A downloadable tool for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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This is a tool for reverse engineering Amiga 680x0 software. It allows binaries to be disassembled and investigated.

The primary goal of this project is to provide a graphical user interface on top of the excellent ira “reassembler” to accelerate the workflow.

Aira Force implements “reassembly” using the ira disassembler and the vasm assembler. Ira transforms the source executable or raw binary into assembly language source code, then vasm assembles the source code. The output binary should be identical (or equivalent) to the input binary.

This process allows the user to analyse and annotate the source code efficiently, before make any required changes to the generated disassembly and building a patched binary. It may be useful for fixing bugs, adding features, optimising the code, or academic software archeology.


  • Disassemble Amiga executables (hunk Load Modules)
  • Disassemble raw Amiga binaries, e.g. bootblocks, non-DOS programs
  • Interactively convert disassembly to code, data or text
  • Rename and add labels
  • Add comments and banners
  • Define pointers and equates
  • Efficient code navigation
  • Tools to search for potential pointers, equates and code
  • Live Analysis (WIP) using 68000 emulator to aid understanding
  • In-built Amiga documentation (custom chipset, OS)
  • Menu and keyboard driven UI
  • Runs on Windows, Linux  and macOS (sorry, no Amiga version)
  • Hex viewer
  • Reassemble disassembled code and compare against source
  • Dockable windows and multi-viewports (native OS windows) with Dear ImGui

The tool is currently pre-ALPHA and not all features are implemented yet. 

The high level interactive disassembly workflow is as follows:

  1. Use *File > Preprocess...* to begin analysis of a new binary (generates .cnf file)
  2. Use *File > Process with config...* to load a previously disassembled binary (disassembly guided by pre-existing .cnf file)
  3. Check the output window for any errors or warnings
  4. Identify code, data and text areas
  5. Identify missing labels required to allow the code to be reassembled correctly
  6. Rename labels and and comments to aid user code analysis
  7. Use Live Analysis Actions window to help identify pointers and equates e.g. system calls and custom hardware registers
  8. Use the final disassembly as required e.g. to fix bugs, add features or optimise

Please see the readme in the zip for more information.



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Click download now to get access to the following files:

aira-force-win64.zip 2 MB
Version 0.6.3
aira-force-mac.dmg 2.5 MB
Version 0.6.3
aira-force-linux.tar.gz 2 MB
Version 0.6.3
aira-force-win32.zip 1.7 MB
Version 0.6.3
aira-force-linux.deb 2 MB
Version 0.6.3

Development log


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This is Daniel from Amiga-News.de. We have reported about your tool:


There are some comments in the German-language version of the news item (please use a machine translator):


Would you mind to write a comment as well (you do not have to register; if not then your post will be only visible after two hours) and tell us, what your motivation is to write this tool and if you have tested Ghidra before and how does your tool differ from this one?




Hi Daniel. Thanks very much for the exposure. No problem. I'll reply to this questions.